Monday, July 28, 2008

Read this document on Scribd: The Mystery of the Red Queen

Thursday, July 3, 2008


3 Expectations I Have For Myself In Life

  1. To be the best mommy in the world.
  2. To achieve my goals and dreams.
  3. To get my high school diploma

3 Expectations I Have For Myself At School

  1. To prepare for my career early
  2. Go to college
  3. To learn for the future

3 Expectations I Have For My Fellow Classmates

  1. Mutual respect for everyone
  2. Listen to what they have to say
  3. To be successful

3 Expectations I Have For My Teachers

  1. Give me good advice
  2. To respect me as a friend as well as a student
  3. To help me discover my intelligence

3 Expectations I Have For My Child

  1. To respect and share with others
  2. To respect herself
  3. To enjoy life

3 Expectation I Have For The Nursery Regarding My Child

  1. To change her when she needs to be changed
  2. Help her with her learning
  3. To give her love like I do